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Initiating a new animal use protocol
Protocol review and approval timeline
The L.A.Orbeli Institute of Physiology conducts research involving animals to better understand health and diseases in humans and animals, as well as to contribute into development of new treatments. The Institute is committed to ensure proper animal care and use, training of the staffinvolved, careful planning of experiments, and taking all efforts to mitigate pain and distress for the animals.
An animal care and use (ACU) program at the Orbeli Institute of Physiology comprises all activities that have a direct impact on the animals’ welfare, including animal and veterinary care, policies and procedures, personnel management, occupational health and safety, IACUC functions, animal facility design and management. The use of laboratory animals is governed by the regulatory requirements outlined in the Article 11 of the Republic of Armenia Law about veterinarian care approved on June 21, 2014 and comply with the Directive 2010/63/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of animals used for scientific purposes and the European Convention for the Protection of Vertebrate Animals used for Experimental and Other Scientific Purposes.
The Animal Study Protocol, or the IACUC protocol, is a detailed description of the proposed use of animals prepared by the researcher for IACUC review and approval. Activities involving animals in research, testing, and teaching can begin only after they have been reviewed and approved by the IACUC.
Policy – a course or principle of action adopted or proposed by an organization or individual
Standard – something used as a measure, norm, or model in comparative evaluations
This section includes the policies, standards, relevant forms, and informational materials that govern the care and use of animals within our Institute. We are dedicated to complying with all applicable regulations to ensure the humane treatment and welfare of animals in our care.
The Animal Care and Use Manual is available online for IACUC members. Printed copies of the manual are provided to IPH laboratories and departments.
Animal Care Manual
This section provides informational resources to support best practices in animal care and use for research, teaching, and testing. Here, you will find educational videos, links to useful websites for exploring alternatives to animal testing, online statistical calculators, and other relevant materials.